New Years’ Eve Ritual

While many witches celebrate new year at Samhain, the Gregorian new year can also be a good time to cleanse and release. Yes, we might still be in hermit mode, and big magic is probably not on the cards right now. But there’s a lot to be said for making the most of that potent collective energy of fresh starts!

With that said, here is a ritual that you can do this NYE.

Begin by organising your space as much as you are able. Throw out rubbish, declutter areas that feel stagnant, and donate anything you no longer want or use.

Next, throw open the windows and give your space (or at least the spaces you use the most) a good clean. As you dust, polish, wipe, and vacuum, imagine all of the negative energy from the last 12 months being removed.

While the windows are still open, cleanse the space with smoke, sound, or a simmer pot. Take a shower and put on some clean clothes.

Using a pad and paper, (or that fancy new journal you just got that’s going to Change Everything) write down 12 things that you are grateful for as you begin the new year. Focus on the joy those things bring you and count your blessings. If you work with them, pull a few cards to see what the tone of the year ahead will be.

Unless you really feel called to, try not to set yourself any resolutions. There is a reason that most NYE resolutions fail. We will still be in hermit mode until we start to plant our metaphorical and literal seeds at Imbolc. Hell, some of us stay there until Ostara. For now, we are still sinking into rest and darkness, we are still working in the shadows.

So, instead of resolutions, practice gratitude. Practice gentle kindness towards yourself. Know that the time will come for you to fulfil your desires for the year ahead. Set your intentions during the new moon at Imbolc, but for now, give yourself a cuddle, and get through January in one piece.


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